March 16 Announcements
1. If you would like to give toward our ministry, you can visit Connect with us today by clicking here!
2. On Wednesday, we have a small prayer group that meets here at 6:00p. We encourage you to come if you are able.
3. Both of our Small Groups are active right now. One meets on Sunday nights in Graham, and the other meets in Orting on Thursday nights. We encourage you to join in on one of those. Click here to learn more!
4. We are planning to start up another Foundation 101 class on March 23. This is a class for those who are desiring to take your next step with our church and become a member. It’s a 4 week class that meets on Sunday mornings at 9:30. Click here to learn more!
5. There will be NO Youth Group tonight, March 16. See you next Sunday night!